Cengage provides both innovative learning tools and standard supplements to complement Stewart Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9e.
WebAssignInstant feedback, grading precision, and ease of use are just three reasons why WebAssign is the most widely used homework system in calculus. WebAssign's homework delivery system lets instructors deliver, collect, grade and record assignments online. This proven system includes end-of-section problems from Stewart's Calculus--incorporating exercises, examples, videos and simulations to promote active learning and provide immediate, relevant feedback students want. Many exercises provide solutions as feedback. The new assignable Explore It interactive learning modules provide students an opportunity to explore important topics and check their understanding of key concepts.
MindTap Reader (eBook)Available within WebAssign and as a standalone product.
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Student Solutions ManualProvides completely worked out solutions to all odd-numbered exercises within the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.
For Instructors
The following resources are available to instructors only upon adoption of the text. (Some restrictions may apply). To request a review copy or for details on policies, please
contact your sales representative or Cengage Learning Academic Support at 800-423-0563.
Instructor's GuideEach section of the main text is discussed from several viewpoints and contains suggested time to allot, points to stress, text discussion topics, core materials for lecture, and workshop/discussion suggestions. The guide includes single variable and multivariable content.
Complete Solutions ManualAvailable online (PDF) at the Instructor Companion Site.
Cengage Learning Testing Powered by Cognero(
This flexible online system allows you to author, edit, and manage test bank content from multiple Cengage Learning solutions; create multiple test versions in an instant; and deliver tests