Early Transcendentals

Author's Welcome

About the Authors







Algebra Review

Lies My Calculator...

History of Math...

Challenge Problems

Book Supplements

Miscellaneous resources for students and teachers.
Please scroll down for instructors' supplements.

For Students

The following resources are available to enhance student learning and most are available separately for student purchase. Please note that some items are automatically packaged with the text and are not sold separately. Instructors, please contact your sales representative if you would like information on other packaging alternatives.

ISBN: 0495012440

BCA Homework Instructor's Version
BCA Homework allows instructors to assign machine-gradable homework problems that assist students in identifying where they need additional help. That assistance is available through worked out solutions that guide students through the steps of problem solving, or via live online tutoring at vMentor. The tutors at this online service skillfully guide students through a problem, using unique two-way audio and whiteboard features.

CalcLabs with Derive (MV)
Available as PDFs at

CalcLabs with Derive (SV)
Available as PDFs at

CalcLabs with Maple (MV)
ISBN: 0534393616
Each of these comprehensive lab manuals will help students learn to effectively use the technology tools available to them. Each lab contains clearly explained exercises and a variety of labs and projects to accompany the text.

CalcLabs with Maple (SV)
ISBN: 0534393705
Each of these comprehensive lab manuals will help students learn to effectively use the technology tools available to them. Each lab contains clearly explained exercises and a variety of labs and projects to accompany the text.

CalcLabs with Mathematica (MV)
ISBN: 0534393624
Each of these comprehensive lab manuals will help students learn to effectively use the technology tools available to them. Each lab contains clearly explained exercises and a variety of labs and projects to accompany the text.

CalcLabs with Mathematica (SV)
ISBN: 0534393713
Each of these comprehensive lab manuals will help students learn to effectively use the technology tools available to them. Each lab contains clearly explained exercises and a variety of labs and projects to accompany the text.

CalcLabs with TI-82/83 (SV)
Available as PDFs at

CalcLabs with TI-85/86 (SV)
Available as PDFs at

CalcLabs with TI-89/92 (MV)
Available as PDFs at

CalcLabs with TI-89/92 (SV)
Available as PDFs at

Student Solutions Manual (MV)
ISBN: 0534393608
Provides completely worked-out solutions to all odd-numbered exercises within the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.

Student Solutions Manual (SV, ET)
ISBN: 0534393330
Provides completely worked-out solutions to all odd-numbered exercises within the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.

Study Guide (MV)
ISBN: 0534393586
Contains a short list of key concepts; a short list of skills to master, a brief introduction to the ideas of the section, an elaboration of the concepts and skills, including extra worked-out examples, and links in the margin to earlier and later material in the text and Study Guide.

Study Guide (SV, ET)
ISBN: 0534393314
Contains a short list of key concepts; a short list of skills to master, a brief introduction to the ideas of the section, an elaboration of the concepts and skills, including extra worked-out examples, and links in the margin to earlier and later material in the text and Study Guide.

Tools for Enriching Calculus, 5th
ISBN: 053439731X
Stewart takes innovation a step further with the Tools for Enriching Calculus CD-ROM. This dynamic learning tool serves as the ideal complement to Stewart texts. This tutorial supplement is available for purchase at

Video Skillbuilder CD (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393268
CD Packaged with each book, this is a single CD-ROM containing over eight hours of video instruction. The problems worked during each video lesson are listed next to the viewing screen, so that students can work them ahead of time, if they choose. In order to help students evaluate their progress, each section contains a 10-question web quiz and each chapter contains a chapter test, with answers to each problem on each test.

WebTutor Advantage on Blackboard (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393276
A powerful solution for today's students--ideal to support traditional classrooms or distance learning WebTutor extends the vision, concepts, and pedagogy of your text into a highly visual, hands-on learning environment that's available any time you or your students need it. WebTutor's flexible format allows you to assign pre-formatted, text-specific content that is available as soon as you log on or customize its environment in any way you choose--from uploading images and other resources, to adding Web links, to creating your own practice materials. New to WebTutor: seamless access to both InfoTrac® College Edition, an online database of millions of full-text articles, and Newsedge, an online news service that pushes the latest news to your WebTutor site daily. And, whether you simply want to post your syllabus, or you want to connect with your students through virtual office hours, asynchronous discussion, real-time chat sessions, or the integrated e-mail system, it's possible with WebTutor. This incredible resource is backed by WebTutor's T.O.T.A.L. support, training and service, available to you the entire length of your WebTutor adoption. And now, you can bring the latest developments from the field into your classroom with Newsedge--an authoritative news service that delivers customized news feeds daily.

WebTutor Advantage on WebCT (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393284
A powerful solution for today's students--ideal to support traditional classrooms or distance learning WebTutor extends the vision, concepts, and pedagogy of your text into a highly visual, hands-on learning environment that's available any time you or your students need it. WebTutor's flexible format allows you to assign pre-formatted, text-specific content that is available as soon as you log on or customize its environment in any way you choose--from uploading images and other resources, to adding Web links, to creating your own practice materials. New to WebTutor: seamless access to both InfoTrac® College Edition, an online database of millions of full-text articles, and Newsedge, an online news service that pushes the latest news to your WebTutor site daily. And, whether you simply want to post your syllabus, or you want to connect with your students through virtual office hours, asynchronous discussion, real-time chat sessions, or the integrated e-mail system, it's possible with WebTutor. This incredible resource is backed by WebTutor's T.O.T.A.L. support, training and service, available to you the entire length of your WebTutor adoption. And now, you can bring the latest developments from the field into your classroom with Newsedge--an authoritative news service that delivers customized news feeds daily.

iLrn Homework Student Version (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393292
BCA Homework allows instructors to assign machine-gradable homework problems that assist students in identifying where they need additional help. That assistance is available through worked out solutions that guide students through the steps of problem solving, or via live online tutoring at vMentor. The tutors at this online service skillfully guide students through a problem, using unique two-way audio and whiteboard features.

For Instructors

The following complimentary resources are available to instructors only upon adoption of the text. (Some restrictions may apply). To request a review copy or for details on policies, please contact your sales representative or Academic Support at 800-423-0563 Order Samples Form
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 5th
ISBN: 0534393241

Complete Solutions Manual (MV)
ISBN: 0534393594
Includes worked-out solutions to all exercises in the text.

Complete Solutions Manual (SV, ET)
ISBN: 0534393322
Includes worked-out solutions to all exercises in the text.

Instructor's Guide (AP Calc.)
ISBN: 0534393411
Taking the perspective of optimizing preparation for the AP exam, each section of the main text is discussed from several viewpoints and contains suggested time to allot, points to stress, daily quizzes, core materials for lecture, workshop/discussion suggestions, group work exercises in a form suitable for handout, tips for the AP exam, and suggested homework problems.

Instructor's Guide (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393349
Each section of the main text is discussed from several viewpoints and contains suggested time to allot, points to stress, text discussion topics, core materials for lecture, workshop/discussion suggestions, group work exercises in a form suitable for handout, and suggested homework problems. (This includes Single Variable and Multivariable Content).

Instructor's Resource CD-ROM (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534394647

Solution Builder CD-ROM (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534394558

Test Items (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 0534393365
Contains multiple-choice and short-answer test items that key directly to the text. (This includes Single Variable and Multivariable Content).

Text-Specific Videos (Calc., ET)
ISBN: 053439325X
This set of videotapes covers single and multivariable calculus, and is available free upon adoption of the text. Each tape offers one chapter of the text and is broken down into 10-20 minute problem-solving lessons that cover each section of the chapter.

Transparency Acetates (MV)
ISBN: 0534393837
Full-color, large-scale sheets of reproductions of material from the text.

Transparency Acetates (SV)
ISBN: 0534393373
Full-color, large-scale sheets of reproductions of material from the text.