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How to find the line integral of functions of two or three variables and of vector fields along a smooth curve.

t21_concept_01 t21_concept_02

If C is a smooth curve divided into n subarcs of length s, and f is a function of x and y defined on C, then the line integral of f along C is

Cfx,yds=limn i=1n fxi*,yi*si

provided that the limit exists. If C is given by the parametric equations



Cfx,yds = a bfxt,yt dxdt2+dydt2 dt.

Line integrals can be similarly defined for functions of three variables.

If C is a smooth curve divided into n subarcs of length s, and F is a continuous vector field defined on C given by the vector function rt=xti+ytj+ztk on atb, then the line integral of F along C is

CF·dr = CF·T ds = a bFrt·r't dt,

where T is the unit tangent vector at the point x,y,z.

Line integrals can be used to determine many important physical quantities, such as the following.

Meteorologists can use line integrals to measure circulation along a closed curve, such as the circular flow of the wind path of a hurricane or tornado.
An electronics manufacturer can use line integrals to find the surface area of a curved TV's display, in order to determine the exact amount of glass needed for the screen. This information can be used to determine the exact cost of manufacturing the screen.
A surveyor can use line integrals to determine the average elevation of a winding downhill road.

Line Integral of a Conservative Vector Field
Number of rectangles
c f(x,y)ds=c f(x(t),y(t))( dxdt)2+(dydt )2dt=8.26895
Difference =0.32436
Σi=1nf(x i,yi)Δ si=7.94459
Arc length =c( dxdt)2+(dy dt)2dt=3.95278
cf(x,y,z)ds=00 (dxdt)2+(dydt)2+ (dzdt)2dt =0.00


In this example, C={(x,y):x=t, y=sin(2t), 0t3π4} and
Use the slider to change the number of approximating rectangles to answer the following questions. You can rotate the graph to get a different view of the approximations.


1. What is Δs, the length of each approximating subarc of C, if C is partitioned into 20 subarcs?
2. What is the minimum number of approximating regions needed for the approximate value of the line integral of f over C to be within 0.1 of the actual value?
3. What is the minimum number of approximating regions needed for the approximate value of the line integral of f over C to be within 0.01 of the actual value?


The curve C to the left is the union of the following three smooth curves. C1={(x,y):x=t,y=t, 0t1} C2={(x,y):x=2t1, y=1, 1t2} C3={(x,y):x=3,
y=t1, 2t3}


1. How does c1f(x,y)ds +c2f(x,y)ds compare to cf(x,y)ds for 0t2?
2. How does c2f(x,y)ds +c3f(x,y)ds compare to cf(x,y)ds for 1.5t2.3?
3. During which time intervals are c1f(x,y)ds +c2f(x,y)ds +c3f(x,y)ds and cf(x,y)ds different?


The curve to the left shows the path C of a fly after it takes off from the top of a table. Consider two parameterizations of C- one representing a "slow" traveling fly and one representing a fly traveling twice as fast as the "slow" fly.


1. How much time does it take the "fast" fly to travel 10.17 m relative to the time it takes the "slow" fly to travel the same distance?
2. Compare the distance the "fast" fly travels to the distance the "slow" fly travels in twice the time for various times. For what times are the distances different?
3. The length of C is independent of the way in which it is parameterized. If C were parameterized to represent a fly traveling three times as fast as the "slow" fly, how far would this fly have traveled in
1.2 s?

x can be any number from to